Big Eco News from Jennings

Jennings is almost Net Zero Carbon… so now for Monument Park!
We put a stake in the ground and set the goal to get Monument Park to Net Zero by 2030. A big part of any journey is knowing where you’re headed, so we created a ‘Roadmap to 2030‘ which is helping us navigate and take a step at a time.
Data is key, so we calculated things like our energy use and water consumption. Then making changes counts – small ones like switching off PCs at night and recycling as much as possible, plus some bigger projects such as installing solar PV panels.
We were blown away to find Jennings annual Carbon Footprint result for Scope 1 & 2 (the techy bit!) was really small – only 1.4 tonnes. We’ll get that even lower, but what a great surprise and such a positive start!
Being more sustainable doesn’t have to be daunting, it’s about small steps. Much of this eco-friendly stuff also saves a lot of money too.
We’ll be reaching out onto Monument Park soon, so do get in touch if you’d like to start and we can work through it together: