Sustainability on Monument Park

December 2020:
Jennings aims for Monument Park to be carbon neutral by 2030. Here’s what we’re currently doing to help us get there.
Our Starter for Ten with Six Degrees…
Net Zero by 2030!
Six Degrees is a university think tank of undergraduates who share a passion for sustainability. For each project, a group of six students join a selected organisation to work on a particular idea or scheme. We’ve asked them to help us design a ‘Roadmap to Net Zero for Monument Park’.
We don’t know of any other business park trying to reach this goal, so we’re hoping this group of scholars can help create a 10-year pathway for us (and others) to follow.
Working with Low Carbon Hub & ESOx
Low Carbon Hub and ESOx (Energy Solutions Oxfordshire) are working with local businesses and community groups helping them become more sustainable and energy efficient. One of our big ambitions is for Jennings to become the energy supplier to all of Monument Park, allowing us to offer renewable energy to every business based here. This would be a huge tick for our ‘Net Zero 2030 Plan’… Low Carbon Hub and ESOx may just be able to help us reach that goal!