Summer reminiscing…

While the weather is looking rather grey and miserable we thought we’d look back on our summer events to remind ourselves how much fun we had in the sun!
Back in July, we held our very first Jennings Sports Day. We had 11 teams and over 70 people each happy to lose their dignity as we went back to our school days for some lunchtime fun. Our 118 118 girls got everyone in the mood with a quick warm-up to ‘Eye of the Tiger’. The races saw a mixture of the classics; egg and spoon, 3-legged, wheelbarrow, obstacle and sack race. Eggs were flying, tights on heads instead of legs and people throwing themselves (or their wheelbarrow partners) over the line to win! It’s safe to say everyone had a good laugh!
We’d like to thank everyone that got involved and after such a brilliant debut, we’re pleased to say Jennings Sports Day will certainly become an annual event.
Our annual Summer Family BBQ was off to a rocky start as we had to postpone it due to the weather! However, it was kinder to us on Tuesday 20th August and a good time was had by all. Family favourites such as the bouncy castle and magician Ben went down a treat, plus a Jennings first as we enjoyed an interactive aerial display from Wheatley Birds of Prey.
Thank you to the Picnic Hamper team for the delicious food, everyone that came along to have fun with us and all involved in making these events a success!
This article has been taken from our Parkbench newsletter. If you’d like to hear more stories like this, email to subscribe to the Parkbench!