News from the Jennings Team – Getting hands on – Part 2

You’ll have read in our previous news article that Donna and Louise have been doing some work wth local charities. Read Louise’s story below…
Louise and StyleAcre
You may have heard that the Jennings team have recently welcomed Molly Shatford from StyleAcre, who enhance the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism, on a work placement. It’s been great to see Molly growing in confidence and taking big steps with social gatherings, work skills and communication.
We wanted to do our part in aiding Molly with her communication, so i’ve started learning Makaton; a language programme using signs and symbols. Being able to communicate is one of our most important skills; everyday tasks such as asking for food/drink, making friends and having fun rely on our ability to communicate with each other. Makaton is designed to support spoken language, as the signs and symbols are used in conjunction with speech. It takes away the frustration of being unable communicate meaningfully of effectively, enabling individuals to connect with other people and the world around them, which in turn opens up all kinds of possibilities.
You can have a share in helping people who need to use Makaton to communicate by becoming a part of the Makaton Monument Park Community. You can also support Molly’s passion as a keen photographer by following her on Twitter and checking out her photographs (some taken around the local area!) – @Molly56667591