A Free Workshop with… Su Copeland of Priddey Marketing

27TH JUNE 2019  9.30AM - 11.30AM Hampden House, Monument Park, Chalgrove, OX44 7RW

Are you attracting the right kind of business? Do you know your ideal customer or client? Does your sales & marketing engine need a tune up?

Here’s a Free MOT Workshop to help make sure everything under your bonnet is tuned up & ready to go!


Su Copeland of Priddey Marketing has years of experience teaching & training in Sales & Marketing, so if you need to…

  • Increase and convert new business leads
  • Launch a new product or service
  • Overcome a plateau of where to grow from here

…then this will be an ideal workshop for you!


This will be a relaxed, informative & interactive session for anyone involved in marketing their business.


Still need a little convincing? Check out these glowing reviews from others who’ve attended this workshop:

‘Very informative, interactive and relaxed.’

‘Su is a great teacher. She goes through all the important detail in a way you can understand. She’s very personal and approachable. I would highly recommend.’

‘Excellent workshop. Really highlighted where I need to focus on. Feel better equipped now to figure out my ideal client and how to find them.’


For more info on Su and her work at Priddey you can click here to check out her wesite.


Cost: Free!