A Breakfast with… James Butler

30TH JANUARY 2020  2020 8.30AM - 10.30AM Hampden House, Monument Park, Chalgrove, OX44 7RW

Having previously drawn inspiration for Jennings’ talks from the Abba back catalogue, this time James will draw from the hundreds of people in small business he has been lucky enough to coach, train or just get to know in his seventeen-year career as a local business coach.


James has seen, and experienced himself, the good, the bad and the ugly of working for oneself and running a small business.  In this talk expect an insightful, humorous and engaging exploration of some of the characters he has encountered, the lessons he has learnt and the key principles he would like everyone to remember.


Whether you are just starting out, or as long in the tooth as James, you can always learn something new and we are sure this presentation will leave you with much to think about.  Running a small business is exhilarating and exhausting, liberating and frustrating and both draining and rewarding.  James will be honest about the pitfalls and celebrate the opportunities.


This may be James’ last-ever small business talk in Oxfordshire, so don’t miss it!

Cost: £12